Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Communion Spiritual as Healing


The Healing of Being-With

Mar 15, 2015


Everyone is Welcome Here

Living in Love beyond Beliefs

*Hartwig HKD, Bodhisattva (A Buddha's Light), Flickr

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“The void is where God is. Empty places, empty moments are not really empty; they're pregnant. God is the potential fullness gushing out of every empty space, the ever-present possibility of a magic moment or miraculous thought. Off the blank page jumps a cosmic summons. Out of the silence came the opening chords of Beethoven's Fifth.”

*Marianne Williamson. Illuminata.

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Prayer is an act of trusting in the presence and all-knowingness of the Divine. In Prayer we do not deny our feelings. We do not suppress our emotions. Yet, neither do we accept that afflictive feelings is the Divine will for us. We are not being created to live in constant internal suffering. And the outer sufferings of our world are merely a reflection of the inner poisons that darken our mind and heart to Love. These afflictive feelings will come and go, correlated with faith and doubt, insight and ignorance, surrender and self-will. Voice your aspirations, verbally and silently, then, rest in Love, allowing the Wisdom of Grace to soak you in its mystery and grace. This quiet being-with brings healing. Each act of coming back to the moment in Love is an act of Love on behalf of all beings, and brings a little more healing to the world, and to you. Amen.

*Arem Nahariim-Samadhi

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Love colour

*Love Colour, LuneValleySnapper, Flickr

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©Brian Kenneth Wilcox (Arem Nahariim-Samadhi)


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Communion Spiritual as Healing

©Brian Wilcox 2024